

Renewables are the future of energy production with gas resources positioning the Territory for growth in a net-zero emissions world.

Renewable energy is a key priority for the Territory Government, which has set a policy of achieving 50 per cent renewables for electricity supply by 2030. Our target for net-zero emissions by 2050 also aligns with other Australian jurisdictions and many nations worldwide.

Gas, as a low carbon energy source, empowers renewable energy transitions. It supports development and commercialisation of renewable technology, creation of a local low emissions manufacturing sector and supports critical energy stability and security as this new sector emerges.

Transitioning to renewable energy helps achieve targets and at the same time enables the Territory to leverage its offshore and onshore gas reserves to create local opportunities for Territorians.

Renewable energy opportunities

Opportunities are available now for new large-scale renewable generation and energy storage in the Darwin-Katherine power system to support more renewables into the energy supply.

The Territory is in a unique position to influence the uptake of renewable energy, creating a transparent and commercial environment for investment within this growing sector.

Sector development

The Territory has the largest multi-technology solar demonstration facility in the southern hemisphere located in Alice Springs at the Desert Knowledge Australia's Solar Centre. Desert Knowledge Australia is also home to the Intyalheme Centre for Future Energy. This renewable energy hub is established to share knowledge, educate and engage with the community and to facilitate industry partnerships and technology commercialisation.

Progressing renewable energy export efforts saw a signed agreement with SunCable to advance development of the Australia-Asia PowerLink (AAPowerLink) project which proposes to be the largest solar farm and renewable energy system in the world.

Partnering in renewable research and innovation is presenting opportunities to harness the sun to decarbonise LNG, slash emissions and create a new competitive advantage for Territory gas. Over half of a liquified natural gas (LNG) plant’s energy use could be offset with solar energy, a conclusion from a joint study by Charles Darwin University and National Energy Resources Australia, partnered through the Territory Government, Santos and Sun Cable.

The Territory is also well positioned to become a global leader in transitions to renewable hydrogen. Harnessing remote renewable energy, power generation asset planning, trade relations and energy export expertise will see significant advancement in developing a world-class renewable hydrogen industry.

Roadmap to Renewables

Find out more about our journey to transition

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Find out more about our transition to renewables in the Territory

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